Key Idea: Wall Collections is a way to design a set of prints, metals or wraps as wall decor templates that can be used in an IPS Session or Client Gallery. Photographers use Wall Collections as a visual tool to display and sell wall decor within Room-Vu.
Click to view a video on Wall Collections.
Create Wall Collections On Your Price List
1. Go to a price list and scroll down the page to Wall Collections. Click "Add Wall Collections."
2. Choose the type of product for your Wall Collection.
3. Select the items you want in your Wall Collection. Only items on your price list are available for the Wall Collection.
If you only want a product to be available from Wall Collections or Packages, you may set an item to "Hide From Customer" on the price list,
4. Set the price for the Wall Collection.
Note: We provide our lab cost for auto-fulfill products and the price you set for the product on your price list to help you set your Wall Collection price.
5. Design the Wall Collection.
Use the tools across the top of the design canvas to auto-align products, or use the alignment guides to to drag products into a "snap-to-grid" type of alignment.
6. Once your design is complete, click Finish. Your design will show in IPS Sessions or Client Galleries as a thumbnail for easy recognition and one-click add to Room-Vu.
Using Wall Collections In Your Client Gallery
1. From any of the Culling screens, select one or more images and click Order to choose your Wall Collection.
Multi-Select Method. Click the checkmark in the upper left of any image to select the images for your Wall Collection, and then click Order.
Tip: The order you multi-select images will be the left to right order they are placed in a Wall Collection in Room-Vu. So the first image you select will be the left most node of the Wall Collection, the second selected image will be placed in the second to left most node, etc.
Single Image Method. From any image, click the Cart icon or Order button.
2. From the product Order panel, click Wall Collections.
Once you select Wall Collections you will see thumbnails for each of the Wall Collections on your price list.
3. From the Wall Collection Summary screen make desired crop or image changes and then click Room-Vu.
4. From Room-Vu place the Wall Collection in the room. When you click on an image you will have framing options, if the product supports frames.
Click the "Apply to all items on wall" to add the same frame and matte to all products. The spacing between items in the Wall Collection will be retained.
5. From Room-Vu, you can Add to Cart, Save for Later, or go back to the Wall Collection summary screen.
Click to watch the Wall Collection video.
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