If you are looking for old images that are lost or inconvenient to retrieve within your studio, you can request N-Vu to check our offline backup storage. Studios can retrieve the images from the gallery for up to 13 months from the last expiration date of a gallery. If you are interested in images stored beyond this period, for just $4.99 ($9.99 if not on an annual or monthly plan), N-Vu will attempt to restore the original images for download or for your client to view or shop. Depending on the age of the original gallery, if the associated gallery data is unable to be restored, a new gallery would be created for you.”
To request this service:
- Email or call customer service at customerservice@n-vu.com or 877.638.7468
- Pay $4.99 ($9.99 if not an annual or monthly plan)
- Within two (2) working days, your gallery will be restored
- We will notify you with an email when the photos are restored
Background: Images uploaded to N-Vu are available online for the duration of your sales process. To ensure this image storage timeline we perform routine backups of all published and shared images. As a helpful effort, N-Vu customer service has occasionally restored galleries or provided old images back to studios (which has always been a manual process). Over time we realized that this assistance would benefit more studios, so we decided to add this as an official service when available! Please note that long term backup is not a guaranteed service offered by N-Vu.
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